A brick breaker inspired game created by Melvin and Dylan

Made withPixiJS


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  1. Bugs: I seem to have completely broken the life counter. I had the multiball powerup and both of them reached the left side of the screen when I was on 1 life meaning that the variable instantly ticked to -1, bypassing what I assume is a life=0 trigger. The way to solve this would be to instead of using a life=0 trigger, using a life<1 trigger meaning that if multiple balls were to expire at the same time you would not encounter this issue.
  2. Strengths: I think this can be a really fun time killing game to play. I love the art of the chef, it reminds me a lot of the wool Kirby games.
  3. Weaknesses: I think the paddle speed needs to be slightly higher by default as I found with the unpredictable bouncing of the balls, sometimes I would just not be able to reach the ball before it hit the left side.
  4. Changes or Improvements: As mentioned before, the life trigger needs to change, and I think the game could maybe do with a background too. Other than that, you have a very fun game on your hands!


You can achieve negative lives on Classic Breakout


Having a scoreboard helps the competitive nature of the game and helps players want to achieve higher, The art style is detailed


There isn't much of a story as to why the chef is throwing knives at walls. No sound yet

Changes or improvements

Possibly a backstory to why the chef is destroying these platforms/walls, maybe a small animation when the chef misses rebounding a knife


There is no "Game Over" lives keep going down beyond the negatives.


Very good recreation of breakout.


Power-ups and Power-downs all look the same, they also seem to do random effects since getting two power-ups of the same colour can result in many different outcomes, make power-ups visually distinct.

Bugs Describe briefly and accurately any bugs (errors or problems) you spotted in your test

No real 'bugs' but there doesn't seem to be a way to die or fail in the game currently, if you don't manage to destroy the blocks and they reach your character nothing really happens, there's no consequence.

Strengths (visual style, animations, sounds, gameplay) What are the best parts of the game? 

The way you've used the mechanics is really cool, and I like the theme idea behind the knife throwing

Weaknesses (visual style, animations, sounds, gameplay) What is the weakest part of the game? 

The graphics need some adding to so that they correlate with the art style and theme of the main character.

Changes or Improvements Are there any (small and reasonable) changes or improvements you would recommend?

I think having a different block graphic which relates to the main character would be good, like some kind of food items for example. A background that creates an environment such as a kitchen would add alot too.



Cleaver starts from the middle of the screen instead of from the Player Sprite, not sure if this is intended? 


Very fun simple mechanics reminiscent of Pong


How slow the game plays, no screen to show how to play.

Potential Changes/Improvements

Add a 'how to' screen to explain how the mechanics work, increased pace of the base game across the board, additional power up to have more cleavers on screen at one time.


++ Very strong physics

+ love the inclusion of status

+random generated levels

- spacebar means I can cheat my way to victory




No bugs I have notice at the moment. 


Very strong game giving you options and a challenge with the lives if your playing in physics mode


At the moment your weakest part would be how slow the game is. 

Changes or Improvements 

The only thing I suggest is adding in a power up that increase the pace of the game. if you haven't already. 


Bugs: The level just randomly restarts. I don't know if this was intentional and there is some type of invisible score board or health bar?

Strengths: I like the visuals such as the character and knife sprites. Very stylised.

Weaknesses: Quite bland backgrounds make the levels feel empty.

Changes: Could add some background art to the level to support the artwork already present. Also make it obvious why the level is just randomly resetting.